Archive for November 2014

UML Diagrams

For this assignment please complete a class, state, and activity diagram based upon your final project game. You can complete these documents in any format (Word, Powerpoint, Photoshop or Illustrator, etc) you wish as long as they produce something readable….Continue Reading →

Importing Models into XNA

If you have custom 3D models you wish to use for your final projects you will need to make sure they are in an XNA compatible format (.x or .fbx). Using Blender to export your models is the easiest route…Continue Reading →

Class Recording 11/06

Final Project

Your final project will consist of a 2D or 3D  interactive video game created in XNA. Your game should consist of a basic game engine that can read and interpret user input and respond to user commands. It should contain…Continue Reading →

Final Project Description

Your final project is a functioning (albeit prototype level) website for WBXS Open Baltimore (this is not a real company but you may base it loosely upon: This is a non-profit company which is trying to improve their management…Continue Reading →