from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLUT import * from OpenGL.GLU import * from random import randint window = 0 width,height = 500,500 field_width, field_height = 50,50 snake = [(20,20)] snake_dir = (1,0) interval = 200 food = [] def refresh2d_custom(width,height,…Continue Reading →
siveambrai May 7, 2015 COSC 250 SP2015 Comments Off on Graphics Games with Python
1. reference – 2. Snake Tutorial (note: we will be modifying this): 3. PyOpenGL – (file needed)
siveambrai May 5, 2015 IDIA 619 SP2015 Comments Off on Week 14: What’s Next for the Web
Keeping Up: Noupe Smashing Magazine Windows 8 Metro JS Tutorial Metro App Development Mobile Jo PhoneGap Sencha Responsive Design Extending JS Limitations of HTML5 Mashi Pixastic WebGL Canviz Plotr CoffeeScript Intro to Unity with JS Other Languages Objective C PHP…Continue Reading →
Your final project will consist of an adventure game written in Python. The game may either use simple graphics or text based interactions. Your game should consist of a basic game engine that can read and interpret user input and…Continue Reading →
siveambrai May 1, 2015 COSC 405 SP2015 Comments Off on Practical Game Development