COSC 405 SP2015

Week 9: Funding

1. Sample Business Grant Application – 7245676_final_submitted 2. Slides – Funding 3. Lawsuit could expose if top VC firms are good investment –

Week 7: Business Plans

Hold Over from Week 6 1. Can Valve’s Bossless Company Model Work Elsewhere? 2. Example critique format – Example+Critique+Format (1) 3. Steps to giving good feedback – Steps+to+Giving+Good+Feedback (1) 4. SimCity 5: How Not to Design a Single Player Game Week 7 1….Continue Reading →

Why do some indie developers publish their games themselves instead of a known publisher?

I found this link and thought it would be useful for your information. – BB anonymous asked: Why do some indie developers publish their games themselves instead of going to a known small/noteworthy publisher? Why do the others actually go…Continue Reading →

Business Course Simulation Rules

Each team will have to develop and launch a game during the course of the semester in simulation (you have about 2 years in simulation time). All of the assignments are geared towards getting your company up and running and…Continue Reading →

Week 4: Team Building

1. Slides – Team+Building 2. Grim Fandango Design Document – GrimPuzzleDoc_small (2)

Game Design Document

This project is to develop or modify an existing game concept from previous classes to use in this course. The game concept represents the game your team will be producing this semester. Your game concept should be well fleshed out…Continue Reading →

Week 3: Documentation

1. Selected Postmortem Companies Eevee industries – THQ #Supplies – 38 Studios 405 Studios – THQ Hopscotch Mafia – Bizzare Creations 2. Documentation  Slides