siveambraiMay 5, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on Week 14: What’s Next for the Web
Keeping Up: Noupe Smashing Magazine Windows 8 Metro JS Tutorial Metro App Development Mobile Jo PhoneGap Sencha Responsive Design Extending JS Limitations of HTML5 Mashi Pixastic WebGL Canviz Plotr CoffeeScript Intro to Unity with JS Other Languages Objective C PHP…Continue Reading →
siveambraiApril 21, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on Week 12: Local Storage
1. Slides – localstorage (2) 2. Example Final Projects a. b. c. d. 3. Sample Code <script>// <![CDATA[ window.onload = init; function init() { var button = document.getElementById(“submit”); button.onclick = storeGroceryList; for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++)…Continue Reading →
siveambraiApril 14, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on In Class Canvas Code
<html> <head> <script> window.onload = function() { var button = document.getElementById(“submit”); button.onclick = drawShapes; } function drawShapes(){ var canvas = document.getElementById(“tshirtCanvas”); var context = canvas.getContext(“2d”); var selectObj = document.getElementById(“backgroundColor”); var index = selectObj.selectedIndex; var bgColor = selectObj[index].value; var selectObj =…Continue Reading →
siveambraiApril 8, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on In Class Code – 4/7/15
<html> <head> <script> window.onload = function() { var button = document.getElementById(“submit”); button.onclick = drawShapes; } function drawShapes(){ var canvas = document.getElementById(“tshirtCanvas”); var context = canvas.getContext(“2d”); var selectObj = document.getElementById(“backgroundColor”); var index = selectObj.selectedIndex; var bgColor = selectObj[index].value; var selectObj =…Continue Reading →
siveambraiApril 7, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on Week 11: Canvas
1. Slides – Getting+Started+with+Canvas (3) 2. 2D Context API – 3. Today we’ll build a simple abstract art generator that uses random colors, coordinates and sizes to build a “modern art” piece out of squares and circles. The code will be posted…Continue Reading →
siveambraiApril 2, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on Week 10: JSON and Web Services
1. What happened to XML? – 2. Understanding JSON notation – 3. Replacement Assignment Working from the example code below, create a simple application to take and display information from a web services API. Your application should demonstrate an understanding…Continue Reading →
siveambraiMarch 24, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on Final Project
Keeping in mind your own thesis goals, current clients, and other needs, design a web application or game that integrates all the structures and functions you’ve learned this semester. Your application should include meaningful interactivity, responsiveness to the user, and…Continue Reading →
siveambraiMarch 24, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on Homework 4
Take an existing application or concept you’ve worked with this semester and change its existing interface to use the Canvas for primary display. Using the starting tutorial on taking MasterMind from a text-based to graphical interface as an example, choose…Continue Reading →
siveambraiMarch 24, 2015IDIA 619 SP2015Comments Off on Week 9: Geolocation and Mobile
1. Review Slides – Review (1) – alt link (Slides) 2. Geolocation API – 3. Geolocation Spec – 4. Flash is Dead! Long Live OpenFL! – 5. Google Maps API –