Sprite Sheets, User Input, Collision Detection, and OOD
User Input and Collisions Object Oriented Design Sprites, User Input, and Collision
User Input and Collisions Object Oriented Design Sprites, User Input, and Collision
For homework 2 you will be making a small page that responds to user input. The page should look like a basic log in and welcome back! page like you might see on a social networking site. It does not…Continue Reading →
Here are the two PHP documents from class saved as text files. inclass2php inclassphp
Sprites, User Input, and Collision
The source code for the book can be found here. It is saved as a *.rar file. You will need a program like 7-zip to open it.
Strings Functions+_+Objects
while ($k >= 1) { echo $k; $k–; } if ($k == 1) { echo ‘$k in the hosue!’; } elseif ($k < 1) { echo “small k”; } else { echo “No k”; } Create a loop that checks…Continue Reading →
php_intro (2)