Final Project – Annual Report


Write a 2000 – 4000 word annual report for your company, as well as a five minute presentation.  As everyone is at various points in their development cycle, what goes into the report is variable.  See a list of possibilities below.  Grading will be based on how much progress you make from the implementation of your business plan to the end of the semester.


  • Your name, company
    • The name of the game and the URL of where its website can be found (faked if necessary)
  • Summary of progress, milestones reached in business plan
  • Evaluation of progress and lessons learned (what you would do differently next time)
  • What aspects of business plan need to be adjusted
  • Name the biggest challenges, surprises, and accomplishments
  • Next step:  include as much of the following as is relevant:
    • Development:  feedback from playtests
    • Partnerships with other companies
    • Personnel changes
    • IP:  changes to trademark, copyright
    • Marketing:  results of any additional marketing surveys or focus groups experiments in advertising stats on downloadable demos or alpha/beta versions
    • PR:  who you approached in the media or gaming community, what kind of buzz was created
    • Publishing:
      • Any publishers with whom you discussed your game idea
      • Outlet published or submitted to
      • A narrative of the path taken for publishing and what happened
      • What you would do differently for your next submission
    • Pricing decisions
    • Financial report:
      • what spent vs. income (normally negative the first year)
      • any additional income your company made aside from your primary game
    • Any other quantifiable metrics you used to keep track of your results
The paper  and presentation slides or link to those items.
Also post any other materials that show your game production progress:  game concept documents, playable demos, links to video playthroughs, etc.
Company annual reports:

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