in Class Code 4-16-15
Compound Interest Graph:
from graphics import * def main(): print("This program plots the growth of a 10-year investment.") principal = eval(input("Enter the initial principal: ")) apr = eval(input("Enter the annualized interest rate: ")) win = GraphWin("Investment Growth Chart", 320, 240) win.setBackground("white") Text(Point(20, 230), ' 0.0k').draw(win) Text(Point(20, 180), ' 2.5k').draw(win) Text(Point(20, 130), ' 5.0k').draw(win) Text(Point(20, 80), ' 7.5k').draw(win) Text(Point(20, 30), ' 10.0k').draw(win) height = principal * 0.02 bar = Rectangle(Point(40,230), Point(65, 230-height)) bar.setFill("green") bar.setWidth(2) bar.draw(win) for year in range(1,11): principal = principal * (1 + apr) x11 = year * 25 + 40 height = principal * 0.02 bar = Rectangle(Point(x11, 230), Point(x11 + 25, 230 - height)) bar.setFill("green") bar.setWidth(2) bar.draw(win) input("Press <Enter> to quit") win.close() main()
Circle Chase:
from graphics import * def main(): win = GraphWin("Click Me!") center = Point(100, 100) circ = Circle(center,30) circ.setFill('red') circ.draw(win) colBoxX = circ.getP1() colBoxY = circ.getP2() for i in range(10): colBoxX = circ.getP1() colBoxY = circ.getP2() p = win.getMouse() clickX = p.getX() clickY = p.getY() if colBoxY.getX() > 200 and colBoxY.getY() > 200: circ.move(100,100) circ.draw(win) else: if clickX > colBoxX.getX() and clickX < colBoxY.getX(): if clickY > colBoxX.getY() and clickY < colBoxY.getY(): circ.move(20,20) main()