
Grants and Awards:

  • 2015 University of Baltimore Fund for Excellence – ($6,600) Cyber Discovery Camp 2.0
  • 2014 University of Baltimore Fund for Excellence – ($13,500) Becoming Agile: Faculty Training and Curriculum Updates to Incorporate Industry Standards
  • 2014 Foundations of Digital Games Exemplary Paper for: #1ReasonWhy: Game Communities and the Invisible Women
  • 2010 College of Information Sciences & Technology Graduate Teaching Fellow
  • 2009 Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Program
  • 2009 Internet Research Doctoral Colloquium Invitee
  • 2008 College of Information Sciences & Technology Graduate Teaching Fellow
  • 2001 Raytheon Scholar

Journal Publications:

Blodgett, B. & Salter, A. (2018). “Ghostbusters is for Boys: Understanding Geek Masculinity’s Role in the Alt Right.” Special Issue on Media and the Extreme Right, Communication, Culture & Critique. 11(1), pp. 133 – 146.

Blodgett, B. & Salter, A. (2017). “Alt-Right: Ctrl+A; Del” Journal of Persona Studies. 3(1). Online:

Salter, A. & Blodgett, B. (2012) “Hypermasculinity & Dickwolves: The Invisibility of Women in the New Gaming Public.” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media.  56(3), pp. 401 – 416.

Blodgett, B. & Tapia, A. (2011). “Do Avatars Dream of Electronic Project Meetings?: The Blurring of Work and Play in Virtual Environments”. Information, Technology and People, Special Issue on Digital Culture. 24(1), pp. 26 – 45.

Blodgett, B. Xu, H. & Trauth, E. (2007) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT Issues in Virtual Worlds. ACM SIGMIS DATABASE: 38(4), pp. 97 – 99.

Conference Proceedings:

Salter, A. & Blodgett, B. (2018). “Every Word You Just Said is Wrong”: Online Rage and Inclusivity in Disney Franchise Fandom. 2018 Association of Internet Researchers Conference: Transnational Materialities, Montreal, Canada, October 10-13.

Salter, A., Blodgett, B. & Sullivan, A. (2018). “Just Because It’s Gay?”: Transgressive Design in Queer Coming of Age Visual Novels. 2018 Foundations of Digital Games (FDG), Malmö, Sweden, August 07 – 10. ACM.

Salter, A. & Blodgett, B. (2017). “This is Fine: #ResistJam and the 2016 Election in Gaming.” 2017 Foundations of Digital Games (FDG), Hyannis, MA, August 14 – 17. ACM.

Blodgett, B. (2015). “Dating Amy Farrah Fowler: Essentializing Femininity and Othering Women in STEM.” Internet Research 16.0: Digital Imaginaries, Phoenix, Arizona, October 21 – 24.

Blodgett, B. &  Salter, A. (2014). “#1ReasonWhy: Game Communities and the Invisible Woman”.  2014 Foundations of Digital Games (FDG), Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, April 3 – 7, 2014.

Blodgett, B. & Salter, A. (2013). “Hearing ’Lady Game Creators’ Tweet: #1ReasonWhy, Women and Online Discourse in the Game Development Community”.  Internet Research 14.0: Resistance + Appropriation, Denver, Colorado, October 23 – 26.

Blodgett, B. & Salter, A. (2013). “Being Effie: The Hunger Games and War as a Form of Entertainment Media Consumption.” Media and Transition (MiT) 8, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 3 – 5.

Tapia, A., Ocker, R., Rosson, M., Blodgett, B., Ryan, T. (2011). “Two-Layer Structures in Scientific Collaboratories”, Workshop on the Changing Dynamics of Scientific Collaboration, CSCW: Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Savannah, Georgia, February 19 –  23.

Tapia, A., Ocker, R., Rosson, M. & Blodgett, B. (2011). “Good Bones: Anthropological Scientific Collaboration Around Computed Tomography Data,” The iConference 2011, February 8 – 11.

Ayoub, P. & Blodgett, B. (2010). “More Savvy Than We Can Hope To Be: A Generational Lens on ICTs in the Changing Workplace,” The American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 22 – 27.

Tapia, A., Ocker, R., Rosson, M., Blodgett, B. & Ryan, T. (2010). “Information Science Approaches to Studying Virtual Organizations: A Panel,” The American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Pittsburgh, PA, October 22 – 27.

Tapia, A. & Blodgett, B. (2010). “Building Policy that Crosses Virtual Borders: A Case Study of A Virtual Labor Strike with Real World Ramifications.” Telecommunication Policy Research Conference (TPRC), Washington, D.C., September 29 – October 1.

Blodgett, B. & Tapia, A. (2010). “When Protests go Virtual: How Organizing Social Protest in Virtual Worlds Changes the Nature of Organizing” 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru, August 14 – 17.

Blodgett, B. (2009). “And the Ringleaders Were Banned: An Examination of Protest in Virtual Worlds.” Communities & Technology Conference, University Park, Pennsylvania. June 25 – 27.

Tapia, A., Jang, J. & Blodgett, B. (2009) “The Merging of Telecommunications Policy and Science Policy through Broadband Stimulus Funding.” Telecommunication Policy Research Conference, Washington, DC., September 25 – 27.


Books & Book Chapters:

Salter, A. & Blodgett, B. (2018). ‘What Was Missing: The Visibility of Queer Love in Adventure Time and Steven Universe. In J. Brennan’s (Ed.) Queerbaiting: Contemporary Tactics of LGBT Representation. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press.

Salter, A. & Blodgett, B. (2018). “Playing the Humanities: Feminist Games Studies and Public Discourse”. In J. Wernimont & L. Losh (Eds.) Bodies of Information: Feminist Debates in the Digital Humanities. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Salter, A. & Blodgett, B. (2017). Toxic Geek Masculinity in Media: Sexism, Trolling, and Identity Policing. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Blodgett, B. & Salter, A. (2017). “The Doctors Who Waited: The Lonely Woman Scientist Trope in Geek TV”. In A. Carlson’s (Ed.) Women in STEM on TV. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company.

Tapia, A., Blodgett, B. Rosson, M., Ocker, R. & Ryan, T. (2012) “High Resolution Computer Tomography Virtual Organization”, Leadership in Science and Technology: A Reference Handbook.  Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing.

Kee, K. F., Cradduck, L., Blodgett, B. & Olwan, R. (2011). “Cyberinfrastructure inside out: Definitions and influences shaping its emergence, development, and implementation.” In D. Araya, Y. Breindl & T. Houghton (Eds.), Nexus: New intersections in Internet Research. New York: Peter Lang.

Conference Presentations & Invited Talks:

Blodgett, B. & Salter, A. (2018). “Zombie Shooters and Dating Sims? Ideological Tensions in Feminist Game Design Education.” ReFig 4.0: Places and Spaces. Vancouver, Canada, October 25 – 27.

Blodgett, B. (2018). “Strange Families, Stranger Houses: What Remains of Edith Finch and Expectation for Women’s Grief.” 2018 Society for Cinema & Media Studies Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada. March 14 – 18.

Blodgett, B. (2017). “Stay on the Payload: Developments in Gaming’s Gender Diversity.” 2017 Popular Culture Association (PCA/ACA) Annual Conference. San Diego, California. April 12 – 16.

Blodgett, B. (2016). “Masculinity & Dickwolves: The Role of Women in the Video Game Community.” Women in Gaming, Johns Hopkins University, March 5th.

Blodgett, B. (2015). “Bronies on the Iron Throne: Perceptions of Prosocial Behaviors and Success.” 2015 Popular Culture Association (PCA/ACA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 1 – 4.

Salter, A. Blodgett, B. (2013). “#1ReasonWhy Gamers <3 Dickwolves: Understanding Sexism in the Gaming Community.”  Computers & Writing, Frostburg, June 6 – 9.

Tapia, A., Ocker, R., Rosson, M., Blodgett, B. & Ryan, T. (2011). “Ownership And Control Over Data Resources In A Virtual Scientific Collaboratory,” IADIS e-Society 2011 (ES 2011) Conference, Avila, Spain. March 10 – 13.

Blodgett, B. (2010). “Inside Outsider: The Role of Researcher Gender at the Intersection of Video Game and Culture Studies.” In the Panel: Quantity and Quality: Patterns of Female Engagement with ICTs.  11th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Gothenburg, Sweden, October 21 – 23.

Breindl, Y., Ganito, C., Usher, N., Geneve, A., Petzold, T., Camerini, L., Hopkins, J., Gustafsson, N., Chang, Y., Houghton, T., Blodgett, B., Shang, J., and Araya, D. (2010). “Nexus: New Intersections in Internet Research. The Internet an Empowering Technology?” 11th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Gothenburg, Sweden, October 21 – 23.

Tapia, A., Ocker, R., Rosson, M. B. & Blodgett, B. (2010) “Two Layered Structure in Scientific Collaborations” Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Workshop on Scientific Collaboration. Savannah, Georgia, February 6 – 10.

Blodgett, B. (2009). “And the Ringleaders Were Banned”. The IST Graduate Symposium, University Park, Pennsylvania, February 19 – 20.

Blodgett, B. & Sennett, T. (2008). “The Shape of Protest Actions in Virtual Worlds.” Playing to Win Conference. University Park, Pennsylvania. April 4 – 6.

Tapia, A. Seif El-Nasr, M. Yucel, I. & Blodgett, B. (2008). “Gaming for Girls: An Action-Research Intervention.” Playing to Win Conference. University Park, Pennsylvania. April 4 – 6.

Blodgett, B. (2008). “The Shape of Protest Actions in Virtual Worlds”. The IST Graduate Symposium, Penn State University, January 31 – February 1.

Research Experience:

Co-Principal Investigator.
November 2012 – present.
University of Baltimore
#1ReasonWhy Gaming and Gender Study

This research in progress examines the use of the #1ReasonWhy Twitter hashtag by women in the video game development community. It seeks to examine the social network connections between the women and develop a set of qualitative themes of across their experiences within the industry. Given the low percentages of women working in the industry and the result this has upon the product produced and popular culture it supports understanding the causes of recruitment and retention issues becomes central to moving the industry towards a more representative composition.


Senior Student. Project Manager.
May 2008-2011.
Penn State University
EVOSTA: Examining Virtual Organizations through Socio-Technical Analysis,

EVOSTA is a research program, which examines the collection of institutions that seek to collaborate around a very rare shared scientific tool. The institutional stakeholders form a loose virtual organization around a High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) scanner, one of three such scanners worldwide. Funded through the National Science Foundation number 106357, Cyberinfrastructure. VOSS: Virtual Organizations and Sociotechnical Systems.


Dissertation Research.
August 2007 to May 2011
Penn State University
Collective Action Situated in Virtual Worlds

This is a research study, which examines two cases of collective action in the virtual worlds of Second Life and Eve Online and seeks to determine a theoretical model describing how the virtualization of protest changes the fundamental process of protesting. The social structures that players develop in virtual worlds resemble the complex, adaptive structures of the offline world and often import from the offline that do not match up with the in-world narrative or come into conflict with the policing forces of the world, represented by the world’s owners.


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