IDIA 618 Syllabus
PDF of Syllabus – IDIA 618.185_Blodgett_FA2014
IDIA 618.185: Dynamic Web Design
Instructor: Bridget M. Blodgett
Office Hours: Monday 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Thursday 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Appointments available upon request
Gchat: bblodgett.ubalt
Course Information
Location: AC 216
Times: H 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre, Rasmus Lerdorf. Programming PHP. ISBN-10: 1449392776
ISBN-13: 978-1449392772
Course Description
Familiarizes students with the basic concepts and vocabulary of website programming, including application scripting, database management, object-oriented programming and full-lifecycle software development. Provides students with the fundamental skills required to develop and maintain a dynamic, data-driven website. Each student develops a complete website using a simple text editor to create and manipulate relational data, learn a middleware markup language to store and retrieve data and control the rules of interaction, and write HTML to format data and control display.
By the end of the semester, students will:
- Understand tools for adding structure, data-focused control and administration to web applications
- Build simple interactive elements using the fundamentals of scripting
- Develop logical solutions to data-driven problems using programming techniques
- Design data-centered web experiences using current web standards
- Demonstrate familiarity with simple relational databases, SQL, and web scripting languages
Lab fee required. prerequisite: PBDS 660 or passing score on Hypermedia Proficiency Exam
Course Requirements
Application Activities: Approximately 10 activities will be distributed in class during the course of the semester. These make up 10 percent of the class grade and are therefore very important in determining your standing in the class. The activities will consist of application and interpretation questions addressed using your knowledge to date. Each activity is worth 5 points for a max of 50 points.
Class Project: You will be responsible in a small team for developing a working dynamic website. This project will require collecting use requirements, prototyping the site design, and applying conceptual data schema to the final site’s data management. In addition to the site, this final project will be written up in a design document and presented to the rest of the class during the last week. The project is worth 40 percent of your final grade.
Homework: You will have four (4) homework assignments during the course of the semester. These assignments will require applying knowledge from class to new problems and understanding the practical application of theory discussed in the course.
Grading Policy
Total Points available: 500
1. Class Project (200 points): 40%
2. Class Participation (50 points): 10%
3. Application Activities (50 points):10%
4. Homework (200 points/50 per homework): 40%
Percentage Points Grade
Percentage | Points | Grade |
93 – 100 | 465 – 500 | A |
90 – 92.9 | 450 – 464 | A- |
87 – 89.9 | 435 – 449 | B+ |
83 – 86.9 | 415 – 434 | B |
80 – 82.9 | 400 – 414 | B- |
75 – 79.9 | 375 – 399 | C+ |
70 – 74.9 | 350 – 374 | C |
60 – 69.9 | 300 – 349 | D |
0 – 59.9 | 0 – 299 | F |
**Note: You can calculate your grade at any time by dividing your current number of points by the number of points evaluate and multiplying it by 100. The result can then be compared to the grading scheme to determine your current grade.**
Late Work
Late work will be accepted within 48 hours of the deadline for no higher than a B. However, unless there is a documented notice of illness or other excused absence, all credit will be lost for participation in that day’s workshop activities.
Remember–bringing your work to class on time is the only way to participate in peer feedback exercises.
The final project will NOT be accepted late, as this would delay the submission of final grades.
Late Arrivals and Absence
If you miss a scheduled class, you will receive no credit for the group or peer review exercises. These cannot be made up – your absence robs your peers of feedback. In the event of documented excused absence, alternate assignments will be arranged.
If you are late to class, enter without interrupting. You will receive a zero for any work assigned before you arrived. You are responsible for finding out what you’ve missed from classmates.
Classroom Technology Policy
This class meets in a computer lab, but this is not an invitation to use the computers in ways that detract from your learning or the learning of others. Headphones will not be tolerated in class. Personal electronics, such as cell phones and iPods, must be turned off during class time. If you have an exceptional reason for needing a cell phone, such as the impending arrival of an offspring, let me know before class begins. Failure to use the lab computers in a way consistent with these goals will result in:1) a verbal warning if this is the first disruption 2) a verbal warning and request that you leave the classroom for the second disruption 3) additional administrative procedures for consistent or any additional disruptions.
The University of Baltimore policies on academic integrity will be strictly enforced in this class.
Topics & Required Reading | |||||
Week | Month | Day | Topic | Reading | Other |
1 | August | 28 | Introduction | Class Syllabus | |
2 | September | 4 | Programming Basics | Chapters 1 & 2 | End of Add/Drop Sept 9th |
3 | 11 | Functions | Chapter 3 | ||
4 | 18 | Strings | Chapter 4 | Homework 1 Due | |
5 | 25 | Arrays | Chapter 5 | ||
6 | October | 2 | Objects | Chapter 6 | Homework 2 Due |
7 | 9 | Web Techniques | Chapter 7 | ||
8 | 16 | Databases | Chapter 8 | ||
9 | 23 | Databases Advanced | **TBD** | Homework 3 Due | |
10 | 30 | Security | Chapter 12 | Late Drop October 30th | |
11 | November | 6 | Application Techniques | Chapter 13 | |
12 | 13 | Debugging PHP | Chapter 16 | Homework 4 Due | |
13 | 20 | Project Work Day | |||
14 | 27 | **Thanksgiving Break** | |||
15 | December | 4 | Project Presentations | Projects Due: December 12th | |
16 | **Finals Week December 10 – 16th ** No Final for This Class ** |